CATALOG - Alicia Yarn 3 Wool Knitting Yarn

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1 of 5
190230 (coffee 30)
190231 (copies 31)
520862 (ash brown)
538360 (green brown
183546 (blue green)
185245 (green)
183540 (purple red)
190332 (copies 32)
194033 (Brown)
191339 (purple red)
193526 (red yellow
531409 (pink yellow)
183558 (blue yellow)
183961 (navy)
188234 (black blue)
527043 (dark purple)
526548 (light purple)
330247 (orchid)
428441 (medium purple)
191918 (maroon 18)
Regular price Rp 26.000
Regular price Rp 35.000 Sale price Rp 26.000
Sale Sold out

Harga Ekslusif Web: Rp 24.700 (+5% off)

Welcome to AnekaBenang!

This yarn, which is made from merino wool, is very suitable for making wearable knits. With its beautiful colors, your knitting results are also beautiful. Because the basic material is merino wool, it makes your knitted products warm and comfortable. Suitable for use when the atmosphere is cold.

Special prices or resellers please contact us with a minimum purchase of 50 or 100 rolls.

Photo similarity to original 95%

Material: 50% wool, 50% polyester

Size: 4 (Medium)

Weight: 100 grams

Length: 125m long

Crochet: 6.00 mm

Knitting: 5.00 mm

Note: Please take this into account for the needs of each knitting project. Because if there is not enough thread, the color will not necessarily be the same because there are differences in lots/dyes even though the color code is the same.

You can choose colors from other Alicia catalogues. Please include the color code in the buyer's note/message, if there is no note, sorry, we will send RANDOM. Please DO NOT include colors in CHAT to avoid misscom.

Happy Shopping AnekaBenang lover!

#anekbangbdg #ankbdg #merinowool #woolyarn #aliciayarn

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